Topics Inspiring Me
I write to fully understand what I am working on. Sharing my writing often leads others to show me what I am missing or to offer me new opportunities.
“The best way to get the right answer on the internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer.”
- Cunningham’s Law
For the past 5 months, the Midtown Neighbors’ Association worked with ATLDOT’s Tactical Urbanism team to design, permit and install a project to increase safety for pedestrians crossing Monroe Dr at Greenwood Ave. This temporary project uses $1,000 worth of Home Depot paint and flex posts to extend the curb and create a pedestrian haven in the middle of the road. Pedestrians’ exposure to cars decreased by 50% (22 feet) while demonstrating to the city and the community the potential of long-term change for this crossing.
BIKING to school is essential for creating strong, healthy, independent children. The best biking routes to school minimize or remove our children’s exposure to cars, making the BeltLine the best path to school for many neighborhoods around Atlanta.
Unfortunately, most of Virginia-Highland Elementary’s 5 to 11-year-olds and the new school do not have safe access to the BeltLine. That’s despite the BeltLine passing less than a block from the facility.
Having the safest biking infrastructure in the world is useless if our most vulnerable cannot access it.
You can self monitor a wired home security system and avoid spending a bunch of money on a monitored system while using the existing infrastructure.
When will the City of Atlanta enforce speed limits for all vehicles using geofences?
Atlanta is headed for a future of congestion, deadly roads, and inequality. How did we get here?
Atlanta is headed for a future of congestion, deadly roads, and inequality. This is what we can do to avoid it.
MARTA is a radial grid that focuses all of its movement to an empty downtown and lacks the vital circle lines that allow people to get to the activity centers spread around the city. To the vast majority of City of Atlanta residents, MARTA is only useful if you work downtown and the occasional event or jury summons. With More MARTA’s current prioritization, MARTA will continue to offer no relief to Atlanta’s overloaded roads as the city’s population grows by 140% in the next 20 years.
Scooters have the ability to significantly change the way we move around our cities but we will need to cross the chasm of adoption first. Segway-Ninebot (Xiaomi) has the ability to push micromobility over the chasm of adoption sooner than later
LEVs provide a solution to a limited transportation system. 2019 will be the beginning of a wave of new LEV manufactures and forms that will last for years to come. Location will be extremely important for which LEV forms become popular, how they are used and how they develop. The rise of LEV use will lead to an unbundling of the use of the personal automobile followed by a change in transportation infrastructure. Just like mobile phones, there is an opportunity for multiple winners over the next few years.
Fully autonomous vehicles (SAE Level 5 AVs) have the potential to disrupt city, region, and state transportation and land use plans. Citilabs recommends for all models that predict transportation beyond 2030 to include AVs. Including AVs in regional models will enable the simulation of multiple scenarios of AV adoption. This blog discusses potential changes caused by AVs and provides tips on how to incorporate possible changes into existing models.
Traffic counts are useless if they are old or not directly in front of the specified location. Streetlytics provides average annual and seasonal daily vehicular and pedestrian traffic for every address in the US, Puerto Rico, Vancouver and Toronto (All of Canada available in 2019). This is updated every month with hourly weekday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday counts. These counts are directional and show how many people turn right and turn left at every intersection.
99 pages of applications, thousands of pages of supporting documents, $10,861 in fees and a lawyer, 9 days off work for appointments, 1,824 days later, and counting ... my wife is still not a permanent resident nor a citizen of the United States.
If MARTA truly wants to stick to its stated vision of providing public transit to boost economic development and enhance the lives of Atlantans, they should use our money to install light rail around the entire BeltLine loop and it should be done now!
This blog is about the devices and their connections that I have experimented with for home efficiency and security.
Citilabs’ Streetlytics combines transportation demand modeling with cellular and app GPS measurement to understand volume, speed, home locations, origins and destinations for every section of the road for every hour of the day.
I mapped as many approved and proposed projects as I could find for the city of Atlanta.
I believe Facebook can rival Google Maps and help local news with an extremely powerful discovery tool created by expanding Events by Facebook to include places, articles, and things for sale.
I discuss the content that can be gathered from the Facebook login and the difficulties in doing so. I hypothesize a third party service that handles this difficulty for companies interested in tapping into the largest social network. I brainstorm a few uses of this content and I am curious to hear additional uses of this service.
My attempt to describe my understanding of event discovery and the fundamental difficulties presented by events as a content type.
I have met with lots of friends who wanted to build an app to start a company and I find myself repeating my advice. I am writing this to share my advice with you.
I have met with lots of friends who have already built an app but don't know where to go next. Here is what I tell them.
Atlanta’s kids don’t have a safe way to bike to school, so two neighborhood groups are teaming up to use tactical urbanism to add protected bicycle infrastructure along Virginia Ave to bring a decade old plan to life.